Sunday, November 25, 2012

How to Play in Garena (Part-2)

In the next window, navigate to where the executable for your game is and click “Open”. Since this particular game was Call of Duty, I navigated to “C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe”.
Ensure that the path to your game executable is correctly inputted in the “Executable Settings” dialog and select “Update”.
Finally, select “OK”.
Once you are ready to launch the game select “Start Game”. Your game of choice should now launch.
Remember Garena emulates a local area network, so ensure that you change your multiplayer settings to “Local” (and not “Internet”).
Hit “Refresh” and a list of servers should start appearing.
Garena has a multitude of other features, so let us know if there are any exciting ways you use Garena. Enjoy!

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